Today I finished a custom designed and burned cherry wood Dresden Files sign for a friend. Lots of fun in the design process, and I’m very happy with how it turned out. Every project teaches me something new, and commissions give me the chance to make ideas that I wouldn’t have been able to come up with alone.
Dresden Files Accorded Neutral Territory Custom Sign
A few weeks ago I got to make three pieces of a triptych. Ultimately they are going to be used as a Dungeon Master gaming screen. My client had the original artwork; I added a few details and flourishes.
This was also made of cherry wood.
Cherry wood gamer screen.
As a personal project, I made this box to hold sundries for our vacation. Tickets, MagicBands, mouse ears…I wanted a place to consolidate our Disney World necessities before we leave. So I made this maple wood box, with cherry Mickey ears accents. Just sort of a special family keepsake to keep things safe, and help get the kids excited.
Side view of the box.
I’ve really been enjoying these projects. Let me know if you have an idea you’d like to see become reality!