Ever go to a website to look at a product, only to discover you are REQUIRED to put an email in, before you can even browse?
I think that's aggressive and annoying and pretty shady. So here's a quick tutorial on how to get around it.
The first screenshot is a site that has a stupid email gateway. Just wanting to harvest your data and sell it, methinks…or at the very least subscribe you to a stupid mailing list.
The second is the URL from the top of the page; if you look closely, you see a part that starts with "gateway.php" plus a bunch of gobbledy gook.
Select right after the “g” in gateway.php
Select starting at the "g" in gateway. Then delete from that point on. This removes that stupid gateway overlay, and you should be able to browse the site without giving away your personal information (like in the third picture).
Privacy preserved.
You might want to consider not supporting a business that REQUIRES you to give away your data just to browse. But this is just one way to get around it (at least some of the time).
Sincerely, your friendly neighborhood security and privacy Minx, Phaedra